Top 3 Picks for Baby Carriers

After that first week or two of new baby bliss, the haze starts to fade and you'll start to notice the piled up laundry and the sink of overflowing dishes. You'll realize the pantry is bare and a grocery trip is desperately needed. The other children in the house won't be so patient once the baby isn't quite so new. Basically, you'll need those two hands that your new baby has been carefully cradled in. If you're anything like me though, you won't be able to stand to hear the sweet little one cry simply because they want to be in Momma's arms. That's where a baby carrier comes in handy. It lets you take care of all your responsibilities while still holding your family's tiniest addition. It's important you find the right one for you. One that you feel baby is safe and secure in. One that offers you back support, so you're comfortable too. One that's not so hot that you and baby melt when you go outside. There are seriously hundreds- if not thousands- of options, but here are my top 3 picks (2 of which I use regularly).


Monica McDowell

6/1/20232 min read

a woman holding a child in her arms
a woman holding a child in her arms
1) Graco Cradle Me Lite

It's easy to go with the most popular and talked about product on the market. I was almost guilty of this until I happened across Target's annual February baby sale and found this bad boy marked 60% off. One good thing about Target's baby section is that they have their different baby carriers out on display, so you can actually see how they work and even try some of them on. What I liked about this carrier for baby is that it was safe right off the bat for newborns (which means it has good head support) and is suitable up to 35 pounds which will literally carry baby well into the walking phase. What I liked about it for ME is the back support! The straps crisscross in the back which helps ease the shoulder strain AND it has a lower back support strap. This carrier is also super easy to put on which was another big selling point for me because I'm not crafty or coordinated enough to strap my baby into one of the wrap style carriers. One last positive that I feel is worth the mention is that even with all the added support, it's still lightweight enough that baby and I are comfortable in the Louisiana heat. All in all, this has been a great investment and it's the only thing keeping my house from falling to shambles.

2) Tactical Baby Carrier

While this might seem more like the dad pick (my husband literally picked this out and HAD to have it), I think more baby wearing moms should take a peek. It's INCREDIBLY easy to put on, offers back support through the cross shoulder design, and is very lightweight making it a great summertime option. Just like my top pick, it is designed to hold a newborn all the way up to 33 pounds. My favorite thing about this baby carrier is that it was designed to specifically hold baby in a way that supports their hips. The carrier was even recognized by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute as "hip healthy"!

3)BABYBJĂ–RN Baby Carrier One Air

This last pick is a more popular brand that most people have heard of. It's top of the line and highly rated offering support for babies 8-33 pounds. It also has the back support like the Graco Lite- offering support through the cross shoulder design as well as the lower back support band. Moms, it is MACHINE WASHABLE! Super cute, super breathable, and super easy to clean! I'd say it can't get much better than that.

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