How to Prepare Your Child for a New Baby

Having a new baby is a very exciting and busy time. Whether growing your family was planned or not, all the demands and changes that come with a new baby can be hard for the children you already have. Here are some ideas on how to help big brother or sister adjust to life with a baby.


Monica McDowell

6/9/20232 min read

woman in black long sleeve shirt carrying baby in black onesie
woman in black long sleeve shirt carrying baby in black onesie

Preparing your older children for the arrival of a new sibling can be a challenging task. While having a new baby can bring joy to the family, it can also cause stress and anxiety for your children, especially if they are used to receiving all the attention. As a parent, it's essential to prepare your older children for the new addition to the family and help them adjust to the changes that come with it.

One of the best ways to prepare your older children for a new sibling is to involve them in the process from the beginning. Talk to them about the new baby, show them ultrasound pictures, and let them feel the baby's kicks. You can also take them with you to doctor's appointments and let them hear the baby's heartbeat. This will help them feel connected to the new baby and make them feel like they are part of the process. My 5 year old talked to my belly the whole time I was pregnant, and every night she'd hug and kiss my baby pump, telling baby "Good night! Sweet dreams!". After baby was born, she still wanted to talk to and spend time with her new sister.

Another way to prepare your older children for a new sibling is to talk to them about the changes that will come with the new baby. Let them know that they will have to share your attention and that the new baby will require a lot of time and attention. Making these changes clear to them before baby gets here will be better than them being blind sided. While that may not be very exciting news for them to hear, they’ll be much more enthusiastic when involving them in the fun changes such as helping to decorate the baby's room or choosing a name for the new baby. This will help them feel like they have a role in the new addition to the family.

Finally, it's essential to continue to give your older children attention and affection after the new baby arrives. This can be a challenging time for them, and they may feel left out or neglected. Make sure to spend one-on-one time with them, even if it's just for a few minutes at a time. Some ways to spend time with them in your new busy schedule could be including them in cooking meals, asking them to help you with the dishes, and doing yard work together. Things that seem like chores to adults can be fun for kids- especially when spending time with their parents. You can also involve them in caring for the new baby, such as helping with diaper changes or reading a story to the baby. This will help them feel like they are part of the family and help them adjust to the new addition. When you finally make it out of the newborn phase, you can start to plan special time and activities without the baby.

In conclusion, preparing your older children for a new sibling can be challenging, but with the right preparation and planning, it can be a smooth transition. Involving them in the process, talking to them about the changes, and continuing to give them attention and affection after the new baby arrives can help make the transition easier for everyone involved.