Hold the Momma Too

It's an exciting time when a new baby is born. Everyone wants to come and visit. They ask for pictures of the baby, beg to hold the baby, ask for constant updates on the baby, but what about Momma? It's often easy to feel like a shadow... or more accurately the maid, cook, and unwilling host to not only your household but all of baby's visitors. In this vulnerable new time, it's important to remember to HOLD THE MOMMA TOO.


Monica McDowell

6/3/20232 min read

toddler in blue hooded jacket
toddler in blue hooded jacket

For extended family and friends, it is crucial to remember Mom when celebrating the arrival of a new baby. She is overwhelmed with the constant demands of caring for a newborn, from changing diapers to doing laundry and washing bottles. On top of that, it can be challenging for her to find time for basic self-care like taking a shower or eating regularly. Beyond her physical needs, Momma may be struggling emotionally too as she adjusts to her new body, lack of sleep, and shifting hormones. Remembering to acknowledge and support Mom during this time can go a long way in easing her burden and making her feel appreciated. Many moms struggle with postpartum depression or anxiety while trying to adjust; this is very common and you don't want to add to her troubles by making her feel like she has to clean and host for visitors. If you do want a chance to get those sweet new baby cuddles there's nothing wrong with that, but be sure to call ahead of time and plan to offer a helping hand to Mom instead of solely loving on baby. Whether it's bringing her a meal, helping with household chores, giving some attention to the older children, or simply offering a listening ear, showing Mom some extra love and attention can make all the difference.

Having a new baby is a thrilling experience that attracts a lot of attention from family and friends. People are always eager to see and hold the newborn, and new mothers can expect frequent messages and calls from well-wishers. Any time a new mom's phone chimes, she can almost guarantee it's another message asking about the baby. Visitors may even drop by unannounced to get a glimpse of the family's newest addition. While the attention can be overwhelming at times, it's also heartwarming to see how much love and support the baby is receiving. As a new parent, it's important to communicate with your community of friends and family to set boundaries so you're able to focus on adjusting to life's new demands. That can be hard task to do though- especially for first time parents.

Everyone wants to hold baby. Don't forget to hold the momma too! Even though she'll never say anything, she's the one that needs it most.

Ways to Offer Support to a New Mom:

  • bring a meal or frozen meals for later

  • offer to clean the dishes

  • help fold clothes

  • offer to watch the baby while she showers

  • bring groceries

  • take out the trash

  • offer to have a play day with baby's older siblings

  • offer to babysit while she goes to a nail or hair appointment

  • ask Mom what she needs

  • simply ask how she's feeling & give her a safe space to vent