Everything Baby NEEDS for less than $500

One of the biggest worries when planning for baby is the cost. Babies seems to be so expensive- especially with the rising costs of EVERYTHING. But what do you really NEED for baby? What are the "must haves"? What are the most affordable options? Here's an article to help! Read to the end for tips on how to afford things like formula, a breast pump, diapers, and even daycare.


Monica McDowell

6/11/20237 min read

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white crew neck t-shirt
  1. Bottles. Obviously babies have to eat. There are a million bottles options out there, so which ones will hold up, function the best, and are the most cost efficient? My recommendation is this Dr. Brown's Bottle set from Amazon. It comes with 5 bottles, 2 extra nipples, and a bottle brush cleaner for $26.99. That's the best value I've seen for bottles, and the great thing about Dr. Brown's bottles is that they help with colic so baby doesn't get so gassy. Another reasonable option is this Tomme Tippee Anti Colic set. This would probably be the better option for a breast fed baby because of the larger nipple size. It feels more natural to baby and is easier to switch back and forth from breast to bottle with.

  1. Diapers and wipes. They're the most expensive part of baby because it's a constant need. The most popular brands are Pampers and Huggies...they're also the most expensive. So what is a reliable brand for baby that's affordable and just as reliable? This is a brand you probably haven't heard of- Cuties! They have great reviews when it comes to being leak proof and holding up overnight. Beyond that, they're HALF the price of Huggies and Pampers. You can get 200 diapers for $26.92. That's only 13 cents per diaper and they have the same ratings as the big name brands. For less than $30, it's definitely worth trying them out. It could save you literally hundreds of dollars in the first year.

    As far as wipes go, there are just as many options. I searched really hard for the best value online, and it's actually the Huggies brand which are great wipes. I found this case of 704 wipes for $17.13. That comes out to about 2 cents per wipe.

**And remember!!! Amazon gives discounts on items that you subscribe to. For example, if I told Amazon that I wanted to subscribe to a purchase of wipes (because I know I'll need them again) I'd save 5% on my first purchase, making my order $16.27, and then it'd give me a 15% discount on every reorder of the product. I can choose if I want more in a month, 3 months, 6 months, etc. But, it's a great way to save money on items that you KNOW you'll have to have more of in the future.

  1. A Place for Baby to Sleep. This can easily be the most expensive purchase to start off with. There are lots of options- basinets, cribs, cosleepers. Personally, I recommend a convertible crib. They aren't more expensive than a regular crib, but they can be used the longest. They start out as a regular crib, and can change into a toddler bed. Some even change into a twin or full size bed after that. The one I'm recommending is a 4-in-1, so it starts as a crib, turns into a toddler bed, then a daybed, and eventually a full size bed. It's literally the only bed your little one will ever need which is a great value in my opinion, and it's no more expensive than a standard crib. A slightly cheaper option might be a basinet. The option that provides the longest use would be a dual bassinet and play pen option.

    While I did choose one of the cheapest baby bed option, if that seems a little bit out of your budget starting out, you can always check consignment shops or facebook marketplace for a used crib. One thing I would NOT use second hand is a crib mattress or bassinet though. You never know what people had in their home. Second hand smoke, mold, pet allergens, along with a million other things can get stuck in fabric, and while you can clean a crib it's not so easy to clean a mattress.

  1. Clothes. This is usually the item you get the most of at a baby shower whether you register for it or not. The thing about baby clothes is that they outgrow them faster than they can wear them sometimes. I definitely recommend skipping the purchasing of newborn sized clothes and just starting at size 0-3 months. Some babies (like all 4 of mine) were born too big to even wear them, so that was a waste of money. My favorite place to buy baby clothes is actually a consignment shop called Once Upon a Child. They have 10 for $10 onesies- that's a value that honestly can't be beat, and like I said, babies outgrow their clothes so fast that they often don't even get to wear everything they had which means consignment shops often have brand new baby clothes. If you don't have a good local consignment or for whatever reason you aren't fond of them, here are my best value finds.

  1. Car seat. No matter what, you need a car seat for your little one. Some hospitals even have to check your carseat before leaving. Even if you don't have a car, a car seat can come in handy if you're taking an Uber to a grocery store or a friend is giving you a ride to one of baby's many newborn appointments. As far as value goes, I suggest a convertible carseat. They work for newborns and grow all the way into a booster seat. As far as functionality goes, a strictly rear facing seat can be easier for carrying around or into appointments. And if you plan on investing in a stroller, I highly recommend getting a stroller/ car seat set. They are basically $30 more than just getting a car seat, so I'd definitely say it's worth the money if you can splurge. It's cheaper than buying a stroller separately down the road- even used.

I've seen a lot of articles about the decreasing birth rate and the rise in age of when people have their first child. The economy has a lot to do with that. Everything is so expensive; it makes a lot of people feel like they can't afford for a baby. Young couples postpone their family planning. An unplanned pregnancy can bring real fear. So what does baby actually NEED? There are so many baby products out there. What do you actually have to buy in order to care for your little one? I made a list of "must haves" that add up to less than $500. All at once, that can seem like a lot of money, but anyone can earn that money over a 40 week time span and slowly tick off each item baby really needs. It might feel overwhelming, but don't worry Momma. You have it under control!

  1. Baby Hygiene Items. You have to clean baby, and with their sensitive skin and tiny body they have special needs. Here are a few products I recommend to make sure that you have a well groomed little one at an affordable price. I searched for the best priced options that I would still feel comfortable recommending or using on my own little one.

    Baby Soap- Baby Cetaphil has the best price for shampoo and lotion out of all the brands I would feel comfortable using on my own baby.

    Diaper Rash Cream- Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment. There are tons of brands for diaper rash. This one definitely works- I use it on my own baby. The tub is a better value than the more travel friendly tubes.

    Baby Nail Clippers- There are tons of options and brands. It really doesn't matter what you choose so long as they're baby clippers. You have to cut their nails or they'll claw themselves, but it's not an easy job. Their nails are so tiny, and they move so much. It's definitely safer to use baby clippers.

    Bibs- The bigger baby gets. the more necessary bibs are so you won't have to change their clothes all throughout the day. This was the best value I could fine. 10 bibs for $14.99.

    Nose Sucker- This last one may not seem like a NEED, and it won't be until baby gets sick for the first time. I swear the bulb suction is the absolute worst. It doesn't work at all. It's too big for baby's nose, and it gets clogged up after the first use or two. This is the only product I've found that I think really helps a baby with a cold. It's definitely worth the purchase.

There are a million products that you could buy for your baby. There aren't a million things that your baby NEEDS though. You can make them plenty comfortable and happy with just a few items. The main thing your baby needs is YOU! So don't worry Momma! You've got this!

If you plan to breast pump, reach out to your insurance provider! Most insurance companies- even Medicaid- provide a free breast pump to their members, and you often can choose between a few models and brands.

If you're worried about being able to provide formula for your baby, reach out to your local WIC office. Even if you aren't below what you consider the poverty line, you might still qualify for the program which provides free formula for baby. Even if you don't, they will have a long list of resources to provide you with so you can get the assistance you need. Also, you can sign up for Similac's or Enfamil's coupon program. Both companies will send monthly discount vouchers in the mail.

If you end up using either Huggies or Pampers for your diapers and wipes, download their apps! They also have coupon programs, so you can save money. No matter what brand you choose, don't forget that Amazon offers up to a 15% off discount on subscription purchases.

There are also programs to help with daycare costs! If you can't find the information independently, contact your local WIC office and they will point you in the right direction.

Amazon Baby Registry will give parents a 15% off discount on most baby products on their registry for up to the first 3 months after baby is born! They also send a free baby gift package.

For transparency to readers, all links are affiliate links.